Saturday, September 10, 2011

Adventure 2: Boston Arts Festival

While we were walking around Quincy market, we could see that there were tents set up in the area behind us so we decided to check it out.  It turned out to be the Boston Arts Festival.  There was a full-day of musical acts, local artists selling their work, and art demonstrations, all taking place right along the water.

In addition to the artists selling their work, there were also artists making their work.  There was a woman doing a chalk piece based on Dali's famous clocks and a live glass blowing demonstration.

There was also this creature wandering around.  I'm not sure what he was supposed to be or why he was there, but I still like it.  

1 comment:

  1. That creature reminds me of this thing in Senegal. On a certain holiday, this person runs around with a scary costume like that and a machete (like the boogy man, I think), and you have to run away, or he'll hit you with it! I am guessing no one would really get injured, as when I witnessed it, it was on a college campus, but it was honestly scary, and we were kind of panicking while running away and hiding behind buildings and such. (I didn't exactly blend into the crowd in Senegal.)
