Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Police Clear Occupy Movements in Philly, L.A., Could Harvard be Next?

If only.  I support the Occupy Wall Street Movement.  I support the idea that we need to work to increase equality in America.  I believe we need to reinvigorate the American dream.  I believe that American workers have been left behind in favor of moneyed interests.  I want a more progressive taxation system.  I want a focus on social welfare programs and smart job creation (e.g. not the kind that relies on millionaires to create them with their tax breaks).

But Occupy Harvard is just annoying.  Harvard has locked down the entire yard for a line of about six matching tents that someone's daddy probably bought them at REI.  Everyone without a valid Harvard ID has to walk all the way around the yard and it has made my already inconvenient commute to work even worse.

  Photo Credit:

The movement is so small and since it's clearly not public it's not getting very much attention outside the ire of local residents.  It's also hard for me to take seriously a couple freshman protesting the 1% from inside their ivory tower.  Let's just say that never since college have I more looked forward to winter break.

1 comment:

  1. Yea, Duke has this super annoying Occupy movement too!

    Oh wait, that's just people waiting for basketball tickets....
