Friday, November 11, 2011

Attacks on Elizabeth Warren, Intellectualism

It doesn't pay to be smart in politics.  We all saw what happened to Al Gore and John Kerry - don't vote for that guy in the ivory tower, vote for this guy in a cowboy hat who chops wood, he's way more like you.  Ultimately it's insulting to the voter; it says "these people are so smart, they're so different from you," and even more insulting in the assumption that you're too dumb even to realize you're being insulted. 

Here, they make sure to label her "Professor" Elizabeth Warren so you'll know she's a really hoity-toity know it all.  And we all know we need fewer people like that running the country.  I mean, come on, we don't need intellectual theories here, except the intellecutal theory of "trickle down economics" (which is fine because if it has never been proven or had any evidence to back it up then it doesn't count as intellectual).   

Instead we need solutions people.  Solutions!  But not solutions like using a .7% tax surcharge on million dollar incomes to put people to work on infrastructure projects.  No, that's a "radical redistribution of wealth" unlike the deregulation of markets and a shifting tax policy that has led to a 400% growth in the income of the top .1%.  If you want to talk about crime and the radical redistribution of wealth look at Wall Street, not those protesting it. 

Frankly, I'm surprised this ad didn't end with a photoshopped picture of Warren in a Subcomandante Marcos mask.  It just doesn't pay to be smart, and it definitely doesn't pay to be nuanced.  Most people forget that the average Tea Party member is better educated than the average American.  And you know how I know they're so smart?  Becuase they're smart enought to play dumb.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, even I think that ad was stupid. That's seriously the best they can do? "Slander" her for being aligned with a protest against Wall Street corruption? I know nothing about this woman (sorry for that part, Sara) but that ad is just plain dumb.
