Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Job Hunt Pt. III: When it Rains it Pours

First a bit of back story: Among the many disappointments of this job hunt so far was last week when I got an offer for an interview at a homelessness and housing advocacy organization.  I felt like I was on a roll again; I felt the positive energy I had at the beginning of the search slowly coming back.  The day after I scheduled the interview I got another email from them.  They wanted to let me know they had already hired someone and were sorry they weren't able to meet with me.  I was deflated once again. 

So you can see why I was surprised to see another email from the same organization in my inbox this morning.  They apologized for the back and forth, but had decided to continue their search and wanted to know if I was still interested in interviewing for the position. I'm not sure what makes an organization look for a candidate, hire someone, and then continue to search for someone to fill that position all within the span of a week.  It seemed like a bit of a red flag and I wasn't sure how I wanted to respond.  But my general philosophy is that no harm can come from an interview and going for an interview doesn't mean you have to take any given job. 

So now I have four upcoming interviews.  This one is scheduled for next Tuesday, the day I move in to my new apartment.  Then I have a phone interview tomorrow and two other in-person interviews on Friday.  So long as none are spontaneously canceled on me, that will bring my total to 10 interviews.  The law of averages didn't work out with five, but perhaps with ten it will. 

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