Monday, February 6, 2012

My Favorite Super Bowl Commercials

Firstly, let me say that I didn't think the array of commercials was really that great.  Did they feature a lot of celebrities? Yes.  A lot of super heroes?  Also yes.  Did they hock a lot of beer?  Of course.  I still don't understand though why 95% of the commercials seem to target men, when women make up 46% of the viewing audience.  Every commercial seemed to be about beer, trucks, and action movies.  And then there are those awful Go Daddy commercials.  But, some gems prevailed with genuine humor over sleazy marketing, and these were my favorites:

M&Ms are sexy and they know it...

Matthew Broderick relives the glory days...

Chevy shows a sense of humor...

1 comment:

  1. Those Go Daddy commercials were AWFUL! And if Matthew didn't tell me what service that site provides, I would still have no idea. So basically, the only people going to their website will be pervs or people who already know about them...
