Monday, February 20, 2012

Hei La Moon: Dim Sum in Boston

Jake and I wanted to go out for dim sum and I was very skeptical.  The first time he ever took me out for dim sum I was also skeptical.  That time it was because I'd never been and I didn't know if I'd like it; this time it was because I didn't have any confidence that Boston could give us something as delicious as we had in New York.  But, I was happily proven wrong.

Hei La Moon serves up great dim sum.  It's the Chinese version of tapas, and we love us some little plates.  In typical fashion, they have the rolling carts and the bamboo baskets filled with delights like steamed rice and pork, shrimp dumplings, and pork buns.  While the cost is a mystery until you're done (waitresses mark your receipt with stamps based on the number and size of the baskets they give you) you never really have to worry about it.  We feasted for $30.  There is no better deal.

Then we walked around China Town and had delicious fried pastries filled with red bean paste and covered in sesame seeds.  Yum! I can't wait to go back!


  1. you'll probably be shocked to know that I've had this before. In northern VA, in a place where the waiters only spoke Chinese. It was quite an experience.

  2. Most of our friends in CA are Asian, and the downtown area where we live has an astounding number of Asian restaurants. I do like dim sum, but I still don't think it beats Spanish tapas. :-)
