Friday, January 20, 2012

The Banana Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree

I went into my freezer the other day and I came to a scary (but also hilarious) conclusion: I'm kind of a hoarder.  Not like a TLC special hoarder.  More like an "I hate waste, I think I'll need this as soon as I throw it away, I'm very nostalgic" kind of hoarder.  And let's just say I come by it honestly.  Anyone who has seen the basement or third floor of my childhood home knows that's true.  My parents aren't TLC hoarders either, they're the same type as I am, plus a little of the "this could be worth money some day, I could sell this on Ebay" kind.

So what was in my freezer?  Well (also like my dad) I don't like mushy bananas.  I like them best when they're still a little green.  And sometimes at the end of the week the last banana has gotten too spotty and brown for my liking.  I would never want to waste it, even though I wouldn't eat it, so I freeze them so I can make banana bread out of them later.

But it wasn't until I went to put another in there the other day that I realized I wasn't going to make banana bread, I was just crazy.  This is what I found -


  1. Matthew has a REALLY GOOD recipe for chocolate chip banana bread that we make. I will email it to you if you want it! :-)

  2. you are right, you have issues.

  3. I'm always looking for a banana bread recipe that stays moist!
